Tajpura 10kW On-Grid Lahore

Solar system is now also a necessity for domestic households. On-grid solar solution is the most easy and inexpensive to install. It helps in reduction of electricity bills as well as a very good ROI. Wind turbine can be defined as a fan consisting of 2 or 3 blades that rotate due to blowing wind such that the axis of rotation must be aligned with the direction of blowing wind. A gear box is used for converting energy from one device to another device using mechanical method; hence it is termed as a high-precision mechanical system. There are different types of wind turbines, but the frequently used wind turbines are horizontal axis turbines and vertical axis turbines.


Solar System



Power (KW)




Overview & Challenge​

Wind and solar energy are complementary to each other, which makes the system to generate electricity almost throughout the year. The main components of the Wind Solar Hybrid System are wind aero generator and tower, solar photovoltaic panels, batteries, cables, charge controller and inverter. The Wind – Solar Hybrid System generates electricity that can be used for charging batteries and with the use of inverter we can run AC appliances. Wind aero-generator is installed on a tower having a minimum height of 18 mtrs. from the ground level. Because of the height, the aero-generator gets wind at higher speed and thereby generates more power.The Wind – Solar Hybrid System generates electricity that can be used for charging batteries and with the use of inverter we can run AC appliances.

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