Leading the Solar Innovation in Gujranwala

Solar Solutions for all your needs
Ngle.pk your companion in Going Green
Ngle.pk knows that with smart efforts, we can come out of this energy crisis easily. Moreover, using solar systems to meet energy needs will also help the people make the country clean and green. In this way, a single solution can eradicate two major issues of the country. We are always there for our country and people by providing them the means to achieve a bright, clean, and green Pakistan. We offer efficient, smart, and customized solutions to our customers that help them enjoy uninterrupted electricity, save money, pay reduced bills and build a clean and green Pakistan. Our customers will get our full support in every step from consultation to designing implementation and maintenance. We do it all for our customers!
Types of Solutions in Gujranwala
Ngle.pk understands that the energy needs for everyone are different, and so we do not offer to make one and fit all solutions. In fact we thoroughly analyze each customer’s needs and feasibility of the entire scenario and then design customized solar systems for the customers. We have offered solutions in the following categories:
Domestic Solutions
Considering the current energy situation, going solar in the residential and domestic sectors has become a necessity. This renewable and sustainable energy resource brings lots of benefits for its owners. Uninterrupted power supply and ever-increasing tariffs are typical; going solar in this scenario will be very beneficial. We offer solutions ranging in between 5 kWh to 30 kWh, which can be made on-grid, off-grid, or hybrid depending on the customer’s needs and feasibility of the situation.
Commercial solutions
Solar systems ensure a smooth and uninterrupted power supply which is imperative for the smooth operation of the commercial sector. We understand the dynamics of the retail industry and the diverse energy requirements, and so we offer solar systems ranging in between 30 kWh to 200 kWh. Our solutions are best for small and medium enterprises.
Industrial solutions
At the industrial level, energy requirements increase manifolds. It is also important for them to receive good quality and continuous power supply for efficient outputs. We offer solar systems greater than 200 kWh for the industrial sector and understand the energy portfolio of the industry before designing a customized system for them.
Benefits of Using Solar System in Gujranwala
Reduce Bills by Net Metering in Gujranwala
A solar system comes with many benefits, net-metering being one of the greatest among them. With the help of a net meter, the excess electricity produced by an installed solar system can be accounted for. The net meter will determine the difference between the electricity used and delivered; the utility will then charge for the difference. The utility can also keep the excess units on credit and compensate them for later use. GEPCO offers this facility to its customers. Ngle.pk will help its customers gain maximum benefit from this facility and do all the work for them. From the application process to the implementation process, we will handle everything for our customers.
Perfect Climate of Gujranwala for Solar System
Gujranwala lies in the tropical region and experiences warm, humid, sweltering, and clear summers while the winters are short, cool, and mostly clear. The cloud cover varies with the season, but the sky is clear for most of the year, making it great for solar opportunities. For over seven months, 98% of the sky is mostly clear. The rest of the year has a partly cloudy or overcast sky. The sunlight in Gujranwala is abundant with a minimum of ten hours and a maximum of over fourteen hours which are excellent conditions for the solar system to work efficiently. Solar radiation is sufficient enough to produce a considerable amount of electricity. Gujranwala experiences are 6.8 kWh for every square meter of average solar radiation in the brighter period of the year. In comparison, the radiation decreases to below 4 kWh for every square meter in the cloud-covered period.

Help is a Click Away!
We are always ready for our customers and are willing to fulfill the customers’ needs. We also provide consultation about any project before implementing the idea so that customers have a clear view of what they should expect at the end. You can contact us by filling in the query form, emailing us, or calling us; we are always there for you.